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Our coaches are all current

players and have an

      expectation that

     participants attend

sessions motivated and

ready to learn.


We are passionate players of netball. 

 We are competitive indoor netball players (6 aside), highly involved in Mixed and Men's Netball and experienced coaches in 7 aside netball for various age groups.


The skills you will learn

        at Blitz Academy will

       allow you to be well

rounded in all forms of netball.


Our delivery is through a

7 aside game first

and foremost!

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‘At BLITZ Academy, we place emphasis on getting the basics right: footwork, ball awareness, ball control, team work and self motivation. 

We believe in the value of competition in order 

to achieve and excel in sport and in life.'


Blitz Academy Coaches

Our coaches are passionate and  extremely  vocal in our coaching style.

We welcome participants who are keen to learn  about this great sport and are keen to jump on board for the ride!





(Miss C)


Head Coach

After years of coaching at local primary schools within the Eastern Suburbs,  and many years coaching  of Junior Representative teams, I was asked to coach throughout the wider community.


Over the last few years Blitz has taken many paths, taken on many new challenges but the foundation remains the same. - 'Basics First.'


I am a passionate coach with a background in teaching, although, the two settings and my  delivery in them,  are vastly different.  I have coached for many years and worked with a variety of age groups. in both outdoor and indoor netball.

Individuals attending Blitz will be able to notice quick improvement, provided they put the work in to the trainings  and, they 

apply the skills taught, to their game. 

Whole teams who attend, will make considerable impact on the court.


We are always available for any questions or guidance that 

specific teams or individuals may seek!   


 If your child has a passion for sport and a love of netball

 then come and join us!




 Head Coach

 I have been involved in a variety of Premier and National Indoor Netball Teams for the past 25+ years representing Porirua, Wellington and the Hutt Valley.


 I represented NZ in the 2014 Trans-Tasman Competition in Sydney playing for Open Men’s Outdoor NZ team.   In 2015, I represented NZ in the Mixed 30’s Indoor team playing in the World Series in Brisbane where we won the World’s Indoor 6 aside title.   


I am an experienced outdoor player with specialist knowledge in the defense area.    I have played for a number of Mixed and Men's Clubs;  North Harbour, Wellington North, Cook Strait Men's, Hutt Valley Men's and Wellington.  We also enter many competitive tournaments with our 

Senior Blitz Teams in both outdoor netball and indoor.


 I have played for Waikato Tainui with a number of their Men's grades.  I have been involved in coaching Netball with my partner, 

Christine, for many years.

 We both currently play most nights with our own competitive teams.

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