Netball training for Junior Players. Boys and girls welcome!
2024 - Blitz Prems Mixed, B.O.S (Blitz Old Skool) Womens Competition Team, Blitz Un 17 Team NIP Tournament Team, Blitz On Set Y8 Team
2023 - Blitz Prems, B.O.S (Blitz Old Skool) Women's Competition Team, Un17, Y8 Creed, Y6 Prodigy
2022 - Creed, Prodigy, Khaos, Un16s, Un14s, Blitz Prems
2021 - Creed, Prodigy, Un 16's, Un 14's
2020 - Evolution, Legacy, Prodigy
2019- Evolution8, Evolution7, Legacy.
2018 - Trilogy, Evolution, Legacy
2017 - Onslaught, Creed, Scorch, Evolution, Fury, Khaos, Eclipz
2016- Rookies, Bullets, Fusion, Sonix, Supernovaz, Blinderz, Comettz, Starz
2015 - Taiohi, Tuakana, Teina and Rookies, Starz
BLITZ Khaos 2022
BLITZ 16's Dannevirke Tournament Team
BLITZ ACADEMY Public Sessions:
Blitz Academy training sessions which are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays are open to ALL participants. We encourage both boys and girls to join and gain knowledge and skill in netball. It is a fun but intense time at these sessions but players will leave feeling a great sense of accomplishment and hopefully make some friends along the way.
BLITZ ACADEMY Tournament Teams:
These teams are private teams and are invitation only.
Many of our Senior teams have also had opportunities to play in Indoor Netball 6 aside teams alongside
the coaches.
Opportunities of quality games have helped the players become more confident and
skilled in the game.
Our Tournament Teams have played in Open Competition and various tournaments in Wellington and as far as Taupo.
We aim to provide competitive game situations to players who show motivation and dedication to their sport of netball, to BLITZ ACADEMY and to the teams they are selected for.
Our tournament teams are invitation only. We do not trial but we are focused offering opportunity to dedicated, loyal players who have been through our program or have been invited to join our program based solely on skill, potential and attitude.
BLITZ Fury Y7/8
BLITZ Evolution8
Un 19s Indoor Netball
'Loyalty is a cohesive
force that forges individuals
into a team'
John Wooden